Life is a narrative and you are the author.
What story will you write today?

Hi, I'm Kim!
I am a Walking Writer and a Champion of Children.
I am a struggling essentialist, a recovering perfectionist, and a life explorer. I am a dream do-er, a communications biologist, a word warrior, a treasure hunter and a tattoo transformer.
And those are only a few of the chapters I’ve drafted, written, revised and sometimes regretfully tried to delete from my life story.
Every day as I step into this beautiful mess called life, I pray I can embrace and grow into my edited self, even on those days when it’s hard to look in the mirror.
Occasionally there are the breathtaking blue-sky Colorado days when I’m walking and I pause just long enough to wonder am I on the right path? Am I writing the right chapter? And those all-too-rare days when I find the courage to look in the mirror and ask:
“Am I living a big enough story?”
I start to squirm when I don’t have a clear “yes” or at least an “I think so.” But instead of picking up a pen and finding a quiet corner to sketch out a rough draft for my personal narrative, I usually head to my to-do list or distract myself looking for the latest life hack. Why? Because I’m motivated by making check marks on my lists. I thrive on finding more efficient and effective ways to manage the chaos of my life.
Unfortunately, my big enough story question continues to haunt me like a creepy character from a Stephen King novel. It shows up in the dark hours of my anger, fear and loss. And my question even shadows my moments of joy, courage and peace.
"Am I living a big enough story?"
This question echos in my thoughts no matter what I achieve (and remember we’re talking about check mark achievements, not Nobel Peace Prize accomplishments…at least not yet…LOL).
Because it’s not about achievement. It’s about who I am in the face of plot twists, villians and tragedy. It’s also about who I am when I make mistakes and when I get it right.
All too often my story feels small, safe and short.
And who wants a short story when you can write an epic novel?
Imagine if any of these characters chose the small, safe, short story approach to life:
- Lucy Pevensie (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe)
- Frodo Baggins (The Lord of the Rings)
- Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
- Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
- Jo March (Little Women)
- William Wallace (Braveheart)
- Rose DeWitt Bukater (Titanic)
From the moment of our first breath
we are invited to write an epic story.
A story bigger than our fears and
one that towers over our imaginations.
The next question we need to ask ourselves is:
“Am I intentional about writing my own story?”
If your answer is not always Hell yes!…
you are in the right place.
If you long to write your own life story as if it were an epic novel, welcome!
We are kindred spirits, seekers of stories and trustworthy companions as we author our personal narratives. Our stories are all works-in-progress (WIPs).
The starting point is to have an honest dialogue with yourself. Until we each courageously reconnect with our authentic selves, we can’t hope to be trustworthy companions to others. The journey starts here with The Three Starter Seeds to Whole Soul Living.
The next step in writing and living a bigger story is to be recklessly generous in sharing our personal chapters. Not on social media, but with the Trusted Souls in your life. They are treasures, hidden gems we often overlook or take for granted.
Be a treasure hunter and find the Trusted Souls to include in your story. Be fearless in sharing your stories with them.
My Manifesto
My Whole Soul Story - A Living Statement
manifesto (noun)
: a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motive, or views of its issuer
I believe...
- When we empower the individual spirit, the whole community grows
- We first must boldly and honestly share our stories with ourselves
- To love well we must first accept and love our entire story
- We must hold ourselves accountable to offering our authentic selves without expectations or judgments of others
- The best kind of travel is when you seek adventures that take you out of your comfort zone
My Purpose...
- To inspire others to fearlessly and relentlessly seek what inspires them
- To remove obstacles so people can live bigger stories
- To create and share tools/systems/perspectives that help transform small stories into epic stories
- To ease people’s suffering who have abundant intelligence, talents and resources
- To live loved and love well
"My life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live
it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can."
--George Bernard Shaw
Where to next?
You are cordially invited to begin your epic life story